Readers ask, we answer

Sandy asks:

“Can drinking tea strengthen my teeth?”

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Hi, Sandy! Tea comes with a lot of health benefits — and yes, it can strengthen your teeth! Here’s how.

Black and green tea contain fluoride, which helps to ward off tooth decay. Fluoride is a mineral that can be found in water and most foods, and it’s a common ingredient in toothpaste because it helps repair tooth enamel. Tea can also prevent cavities by controlling bacteria and reducing acid in your mouth.


Pro tip! Use tap water in your tea to increase the amount of fluoride in each sip.


Tea also contains polyphenols, which are micronutrients from plant-based foods that reduce gum inflammation and disease. Since polyphenols aid in killing bacteria, tea helps you combat bad breath even better than a mint or gum.

But the benefits go beyond teeth and gums. Tea is great for your whole body! It’s rich in antioxidants that can protect your body from cell damage, illness and more. Research shows that green tea may even help slow the growth of certain kinds of cancer, including oral cancer. Nonetheless...

Here are some things to watch out for when drinking tea:

• Tea contains tannin, a yellow or brownish substance found in plants that gives tea its color. It can also stain your teeth. To help reduce this, brush your teeth or rinse your mouth after drinking tea.

• Sweet or acidic add-ins can erode your teeth and make you more prone to cavities. For the best health benefits, skip the lemon, sugar and honey.